Seminar @ School for Materialist Research

Oct-Nov, weekly

4-part seminar for the Intensive Study Program Fall/Winter 2022-23 on “Planetary Spatiality: Figuring Embeddedness in Structures of Entanglement”. Details for registration here.

The invention of a referent “monohumanist human” driving long-Modernity, coemerged with a particular figuration of space to embed, conceptually localize and justify its techno-geopolitical activities/mobilities. In this course we’ll depart from this historic geometric, representational and philosophical nexus, under the premise that “planetarity” (practices of inhabitation at planetary dimensions) necessitates a refiguration of the space of human embeddedness, inseparable as it is from the geological and geographical. Correspondingly, in altering the spatial frameworks for planetary forms of coexistence, we will also examine the ramifications upon human sensibility and sense-making, as well as entangled agencies.