Pointless Topology: Figuring Space in Computation and Cognition
AA Cavia & Patricia Reed, "Pointless Topology: Figuring Space in Computation and Cognition", in KI-Realitäten Modelle, Praktiken und Topologien maschinellen Lernens, eds.: R. Groß, R. Jordan, (Bielefeld: transcript), 2023. Link

The topological turn in computing is elaborated both methodologically and philosophically via a treatment of inference proceeding from the notion of homotopy. In such a program, computation is unmoored from strictly discrete operations and opens up to geometric, or spatial domains, effectively suturing computational processes with procedures of situational embedding. Via this inferential scheme, hypothesis-generation as well as non-trivial transits between singular neighborhoods of thought can be systematically accounted for. The authors have adopted a dialogue format that echoes their presentation and structure of collaboration, while demonstrating a mode of encounter between discrete domains of knowledge.
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AA Cavia & Patricia Reed, "Pointless Topology: Figuring Space in Computation and Cognition", in KI-Realitäten Modelle, Praktiken und Topologien maschinellen Lernens, eds.: R. Groß, R. Jordan, (Bielefeld: transcript), 2023. Link