Inhabiting an Alien Planet: Adaptation and Inadaptation
14 Dec 2022
Online conversation with Fernando Silva e Silva and Simon Turner as part of the Cosmic Conversations series organised by Associação de Pesquisas e Práticas em Humanidades (Porto Alegre, Brazil). Livestream on Dec 14 2022, 11:00 (BRT)/15:00 (CET).
Our Cosmic Conversations go on with a dialogue between Patricia Reed and Simon Turner! With the title “Inhabiting an Alien Planet: adaptation and inadaptation”, our second Conversation, mediated by Fernando Silva e Silva will touch upon the conditions of habitability on a rapidly changing planet. As our planet’s biogeochemical cycles become stranger to us every day, how can we (re)learn to inhabit it? It may seem like a new regime that we must adapt to, but adaptation is also a a favorite word for the neoliberal establishment that continues to extract earthly matter and convert it into commodities. How can we orient ourselves, then, on an alien planet?