The Future that Will Have Been | Aral Culture Summit
1-3 August 2023
Workshop and site visit to the Aral Sea region, in Nukus, Uzbekistan 1-3 August, 2023. Workshop free for registration here. Sci-fi writing, scenario planning and civic engagement in response to the region’s ecological crisis. With Mi You, Rahesh Ram, Yulia Gromova, and Gary Zhexi Zhang. More on the Summit Initiative.
“The Future that Will Have Been” workshop will be held as part of the Aral Culture Summit research field trip. Organized by the Art and Culture Development Foundation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and documenta Institut, this comprehensive workshop explores scenario planning and civic engagement in response to the region’s ecological crisis.
Artists, scientists, and civic tech actors are invited to engage with the visions and possible futures of the Aral Sea region through deep research.
The workshop will feature a civic tech segment and a sci-fi writing marathon led by curator and art and economies professor Mi You, architect and writer Rahesh Ram, artist Patricia Reed, documenta Institut researcher Yulia Gromova, artist and writer Gary Zhexi Zhang.