Talk at Home Works 7
Nov 13 2015, 19:00-20:30
Synthesis & Constructive Alienation, 13 November 2015, 19:00-20:30. “…it is arguable that we must collectively learn to unroot or alienate ourselves from current pragmatic and cognitive constraints…”
To begin the task of constructing horizons untethered to the ones already in our midst, such as increasing inequality, debt enslavement, and encroaching climate change, it is arguable that we must collectively learn to unroot or alienate ourselves from current pragmatic and cognitive constraints. Rather than overcoming alienation as a state of isolating disconnectedness, we learn to embrace its force of displacement to experiment with other structures of cohabitation. In this way, alienation is positioned as an affirmative project: a freedom to construct new systems of collective life. This talk will introduce a “synthetic” approach as a certain methodology for alienation affording creative world-making without reverting to top-down blueprint models of utopian schematics.