The Valuation of Necessity – Lecture and Screening
19 March 2022
New lecture date 19 March @19:00.
A lecture stemming from The Valuation of Necessity essay, and a screening of Incommensurate States held at Lothringer 13 in conjunction with “Dissolving Matter and Value”, Munich, DE. Initial date in November 2021 postponed due to Covid surge.
As part of the project “dissolving matter&value ,” Patricia Reed is invited to give an in-depth insight into her two-part essay “The Valuation of Necessity” that was published in the “Blockchains & Cultural Padlocks Research Report” by 221A – a Vancouver-based organization that works with artists and designers to research and develop social, cultural and ecological infrastructure. As a reflection on a techno-social configuration of world, the essay explores questions of coexistence within the context of today’s planetary transformations. Starting from the complex concept of necessity as a social invention, Reed examines cosmological frameworks and related valuation systems that also shape the use and abuse of technologies.